I Offer Private Coaching To Entrepreneurs
Who Are Ready To Take Action

You've got the knowledge and ideas to become the top expert in your field

But how do you package it all so that people actually get excited about it … and would pay big for it?

I’ve coached entrepreneurs in multiple industries including new media, education & sports, supporting them from start-up to multi-million dollar companies.

From my experiences, I’ve developed a business approach using high value content & strategic product launches for taking you and your brand to the top of your industry, and scaling your impact.

What I've discovered aren’t “hacks” and tactics that only work in one niche, but foundational concepts and ideas in which I’ve coached entrepreneurs across multiple industries.

Read my success stories to learn more or book a discovery call to experience 1on1 coaching with me.

With strength, energy & love.

Alexander Dziri


Coaching services

Everyone has their own blind spots. That's why top artists, athletes and CEOs use coaching to become more strategic in order to get more meaningful results.

Clarify your vision

Find your north star with breakthrough conversations and deep goal setting. This will lead to more momentum, focus and determination in your actions.

High Performance Mindset

Learn how to achieve flow even during the toughest times. Then, lead your team with integrity towards momentum by creating a sustainable high performance culture.

Transform the source of your motivation

Success and fulfillment rarely go hand in hand. Move from being driven by fear to becoming drawn by love in order to build a successful yet fulfilling business.

Online marketing systems

Build a system that runs even when you're not actively working on it. Optimise your customer journey by revisiting your online content, website, product and sales.

High Value Content Creation

Grow your audience through educational video or podcast content and attract quality followers.

Online Product Launch

Frame your message right and use key conversion strategies including email sequences, webinars & sales videos to get more clients.

How To Build a 2K Online Course

Step-by-step blueprint on how to build a $2000 online course starting from customer research, positioning and script, to recording, post-production and client onboarding

content strategy

Build a clear strategy to grow your audience and become the go-to person in your industry for keynotes, collaborations, and online products.


What type of coach will you get?


I will not be telling you exactly what to do, instead our relationship will be a dance between my experience and your vision. As a result we want to achieve a 1+1 = 3.


I will be teaching you high leverage strategies, proven concepts and insights that either me or my clients have successfully applied to grow their business.


I will be holding your vision. My coaching is a unique balance between being warm and understanding, while also pushing you for results with consistent action to achieve your vision.


Success Stories

Jan became the top pharmacist in Germany in 2 years time using YouTube and podcasting

Jan went from starting a YouTube channel to becoming the most talked about pharmacist in Germany, giving keynotes to billion dollar companies and teaching pharmacists how to market themselves.

“Alex has his own special and professional style (mindful warrior).

He’s not only asking deep questions and listening intensely to me, but he’s also guiding me through good and bad times, always knowing which buttons to push. 

With his holistic approach I literally went through the roof with almost everything I do. 

I mean, just look at my results.”

Jan Reuter
Waldurn, Germany


Jussi went from releasing his first online breakdance course to winning the global “Educator of the Year” award

Jussi went from starting an online breaking school to becoming the go-to global brand for learning how to break, going from your first six-step all the way to succeeding in the Olympics. His courses are taught in more than 40 countries, and he won the “educator of the year” award in his industry in 2020.

"I hired Dziri to get my online business to the next level. What I like about his coaching is that it’s based on facts and experience. Dziri has done it himself, so I know I can trust his judgment for my business.

He’s brutally honest on what it takes to build a successful online business, and if you believe you can handle that, then hire him."

Jussi Sirvio AKA “Bboy Focus”
Helsinki - Finland


Chelsea tripled her income in 6 months by switching the focus from outer “business” tactics to an inner “work” strategy

Chelsea had a successful business that took up most of her time. She started working on her inner compass and restructured her services into a lifestyle business that cut working time in half, tripled her income and rekindled her creative energy. 

“I began working with Alex to gain more clarity around my "purpose" with my career and business. I was in a state of mediocrity. 

As we worked together, Alex's insightful questioning and perceptive feedback led me to a deeper understanding of my strengths and weaknesses. 

The better I understood myself, the more my esteem grew. 

In 6 months, my income has tripled. But more importantly, I'm having WAY more fun with my life and don't feel like I'm a hamster on a wheel!”

Chelsea O’Brien
Virginia, USA


About me

Over the years, I’ve developed a business approach by achieving world-class results in 4 different areas of life:

I was a professional champion breakdancer in my 20s and founded one of the most famous breakdance world championships called Raw Circles, with over 2000 people live, 50 countries participating and more than 1 million YouTube views yearly.

Since then I’ve built, branded and launched digital courses for a world-renowned interview podcast called London Real. We grew from start-up level to a multi-million dollar media company, scaling to 2 million YouTube followers, 200+ million downloads on Itunes and 30+ employees.

Now I coach various world-class top performers, from Olympic athletes and pharmacists to emotional healers and financial tech gurus.

From these experiences, I’ve developed a unique coaching style using business strategies and a high performance mindset to get entrepreneurs to the next level.



Knockout Marketing is my strategy for attracting premium clients. In this video I talk about what it takes to build an audience and properly monetise it.

What makes a great coach? In this interview we go deep on what it takes to be a topcoach in order to inform future Olympic coaches in the breakdance community.

In this video I talk about why focussing on value is an amazing strategy for any endeavour in life, going from business to health and relationships, and it’s quite entertaining as well!

In this video I share my journey from being highly driven, to extreme burnout, to rising from the ashes with a surprising insight on how to live a balanced life without giving up drive.