Get Clear On Your Next Level Vision


Hi, I’m Alexander Dziri

and I’m passionate about coaching professionals and entrepreneurs to the next level.

In this free 30 minute coaching session we will…

  • Start understanding your struggles from all angles by asking deep questions about what you want to achieve and avoid.

  • We’re not attempting to get answers to all questions in one sitting. The idea is to map everything out and decide where to focus specific attention on.

  • High performing individuals are usually great at the “hard approach”: finding the challenge, systematically working on it, and getting the desired outcome. We will take a more “soft approach”. What do you actually want to do? There are no right or wrong answers to the questions. We focus on exploration.

You will get…

  • Your next level vision by clarifying all the important facets, uncovering blind spots and bringing them together step by step into one big picture that will result in new enthusiasm, motivation and determination.

  • At least one critical insight about yourself and one powerful life or business concept that you can implement right away to move faster towards your vision.



I have a question for you: Do you believe you are an entrepreneur with purpose?

We all want to become a person of value. Someone who contributes, builds and creates meaningful change in the world.

We tend to confuse this with making money. We believe the money IS the value, so we focus on getting more of it.

But how many times have we seen people that are miserable although they have all the money they want.

That’s because they “skip” the value part and go straight for the money

The ultimate goal is to be someone who creates value AND gets rewarded for it, preferably on a large scale, but if we skip thinking about what value is to us, we can fill our financial bank account but still be emotionally empty.

In this session, we’ll work on building a Next Level Vision that includes a growing successful business with a foundational purpose that drives you. Having both will give you the external rewards, influence and status combined with the internal motivation, fulfillment and drive to keep moving forward.

I’ve coached entrepreneurs in multiple industries including new media, education & sports, supporting them from start-up to multi-million dollar companies, and various world-class top performers, from Olympic athletes and pharmacists to podcasters and financial tech gurus. 

Book your session and let’s build that next level vision.

With strength, energy & love,

Alexander Dziri

“Alex’s coaching is like sparring with a black belt of mental jiu jitsu.

His thinking is incisive, his approach is no-nonsense, and he applies just the right amount of pressure while making you feel like you're in trustworthy hands.”

Michael Gasiorek
San Francisco, USA

“Alex has his own special and professional style (mindful warrior).

With his holistic approach I literally went through the roof with almost everything I do. I mean, just look at my results.”

Jan Reuter
Waldurn, Germany


Book Your Next Level Vision Session Now